Reaction Audio Visual has been working closely with the PAX team for many years, now covering both PAX East and PAX Prime. With our culture being so intrigued with gaming, it is hard to believe it was only 2004 when the folks at the Penny Arcade came up with a show idea that focused on the gaming community. It all started with a 4,500 people event in Bellevue, Washington and it has been growing ever since! The most recent PAX event was held in Boston, MA (PAX East) and it has become one of the largest gaming events in North America! This past year they had over 50,000 attendees. PAX is now PAX Prime, PAX East, PAX South, and PAX Australia. PAX is quite an exciting event; aside from gaming there are concerts, console free play, an exhibit hall, a handheld lounge, panels, and more- it’s a gamers heaven!
With high-end technology solutions comes professional technological support and design. The preparation process starts with layout and design of equipment placement, programing lighting schemes prior to the event, and setting up high-end technology to be up and running correctly throughout the entire show. These reasons alone are why PAX comes to us to prepare and maintain the technical aspects of these events. The layout and design of all equipment can help secure that any set changes, and programing changes are transferred with ease. Preprogramed lighting sets a visual mood to each individual event or exhibit. From an on-stage speaker during a general session, to a presentation, or a live rock concert, all lighting schemes are preprogramed to the touch. President and COO of Reaction Audio Visual, J Ocana says, “We were able to pull off the event in a short period of time, with a diversity of requirements, in a completely different venue. PAX East was so successful that it’s going to continue as an annual event and Reaction Audio Visual will continue to be the official technology provider for the show.”
Over and above good pricing and flawless execution of AV. What I love about Reaction is their commitment to the success of the entire event.
- Mike Fehlauer, PAX
You handled some sudden new requests from us in a timely manner– the chaos of the show floor does not help in that regard, but we greatly appreciated your swift responses. Everything went very smoothly.
- Adult Swim Games, PAX East 2015